



Your University?

Trinity College Dublin

Your Qualification?

Global Business Undergraduate

Year of Graduation?


Are you a Final Year Student or a Graduate?

Final Year Student

Name of the Company you work for?

Bounce Insights

Your Job Title?

Managing Director

Best Summer job or Internship you had as a Student?

Working in Launchbox to help start my company, Bounce Insights, alongside my co-founders.

Best City you have visited?

New York

Best Book you have read?

Zero to One

Tell us something interesting or unusual about yourself.

I have co-founded an online fundraiser for mental health charities called 'Tribe Charity'

Do you satisfy one of the following 3 criteria to become a member of IGN: 1) Irish Passport Holder; 2) Sat the Leaving Certificate Exam; or 3) Irish Parents or Grandparents?
